Hou Chien Cheng, Brown, 2014. Book, ink, paper, 11 x 17,5 cm, 140 p., language : English, Flemish, West-Flemish, publisher : APE, Art Paper Editions, ISBN : 9789490800222.
Unica Zürn, The Trumpets of Jericho, 1968. Book, ink, paper, 17.8 x 11.4 cm, 52 p., language : English, publisher : Wakefield Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2015, ISBN : 978-1-939663-09-2.
Noor Abuarafeh, "The Earth Doesn't Tell Its Secrets" His Father Once Said, 2017. Book, ink, paper, 16,8 x 13 cm, 255 p., language : English, publisher : Sharjah Art Foundation, ISBN : 978-9948-23-204-9.
Emily Kocken , De kuur, 2017. Book, ink, paper, 21.6 x 13.6 cm, 276 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Em. Querido Publishers, ISBN : 9789021406114.
David Maroto, The Artist's Novel. The Novel as a Medium in the Visual Arts - Part II : The Fantasy of the Novel, 2019. Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20.7 x 15.3 cm, 289 p., language : English, publisher : Mousse Publishing, Milano, ISBN : 978-88-6749-425-5.
eteam , Grabeland, 2020. Artist Novel, ink, paper, 12.7 x 20.4 cm, English, 342 pages, publisher : Nighboat Books, New York, ISBN: 97816436200.
Sharon Kivland, A Case of Hysteria, 1999. Artist Novel, ink, paper, 23 x 17.4 cm, 321 p, language: English, publisher: Book Works. ISBN: 978 1 870600 25 9.
Pjeroo Roobjee, De kleinzoon van de letterzetter, 1995. Artist Novel, ink, paper, 20 x 12.5 cm, 276 p., language : Dutch, publisher : Uitgeverij Van Halewyck, Leuven & Uitgeverij Balans, Amsterdam, ISBN : 90-5617-022-8.
Susan Finlay , My Other Spruce and Maple Self, 2021. Artist Novel, 19 x 12 cm, 256 p., language: English, publisher: Moist, Nottingham, ISBN: 978-1-913430-02-3.