Nadim Abbas, Angela Su, Mary Lee, BERTY, 2013. Book, ink, paper, 19 x 12.5 cm, 192 p, language: English, publisher: self-published, ISBN:978-988-12778-0-0 .
Graham Rawle, Diary of an Amateur Photographer, 1998. Book, ink, paper, 15,3 x 12,8 cm, 128 p, language: English, publisher: Pan MacMillan (UK), Penguin Studio (USA), ISBN: 978-0330354868.
Pedro G. Romero, Los Países, 2013. Book, ink, paper, 96 p, language: Spanish, publisher: Editorial Periférica, ISBN: 9788492865789.
Société Réaliste , The Best American Book of the 20th Century, 2014. Book, ink, paper, 13 x 21 cm, 112 p, language: English, publisher: Onomatopee, ISBN: 978-94-91677-26-7.
Graham Rawle, Woman’s World, 2005. Book, ink, paper, 14,9 x 21 cm, 437 p, language: English, publisher: Atlantic Books (UK), Soft Skull Press (USA), ISBN: 978-1843543688.
Eric Simon, Les mille et une phrases, 2016. Book, e-book, 140 p., language : French, publisher : Contre-mur éditions, Marseille, ISBN : 978-2-9547306-5-3.
Öyvind Fahlström, Den helige Torsten Nilsson, 1968. Book, ink, paper, 130 p., language : Swedish, publisher : Albert Bonniers Förlag, ISBN : N/A.
Richard Prince, The Catcher In The Rye, 2011. Book, ink, paper, 20.7 x 14.3 cm, 214 p., language : English, publisher : American Place, ISBN : N/A.
Thu-Van Tran, Au plus profond du noir, 2013. Book, ink, paper, 128 p., language : French, publisher : First Edition by Meessen De Clercq, ISBN : 978-2-930528-12-0.
Jill Magid, Lincoln Ocean Victor Eddy, 2007. Book, ink, paper, Copy, with permission by the artist, of the book that is out of print, 54 p., language : English, colophon on the back side.
Ithell Colquhoun, I Saw Water, 2014. Book, ink, paper, 22.80 x 14.24 cm, 228 p, language: English, publisher: Penn State University Press, ISBN: 978-0-271-06423-9.
Annabel Frearson, Affectation Correspondence, 2017. Book, ink, paper, 312 pp., language : English, publisher : Tombstone Press, London, ISBN : 978-0-9576756-1-2.