Founded by Karel Schoetens and Jef Lambrecht in 1982, broken up & re-launched 1986 and disbanded in 1992.
Most of the artistic legacy of Jef Lambrecht comes from his own studio, bequeathed to his own non-profit charitable organization ‘Samarkand’
The archives of Jef Lambrecht have been deposited in the care of CKV as a test case for future reference.
The exhibition Monoculture – A Recent History brings together art from the last one hundred years, to consider the impetus for the monocultur
Launched on the 8th of March 1989, this monthly flyer was conceived to be a shared information channel, with various editors and themes... it
Correspondances Jef Lambrecht was an inveterate correspondent – not only in the journalistic sense of reporting on worldwide affairs, (also
Colonialism The term colony comes from the Latin word colonus, meaning farmer. Colonialism is a practice of domination, involving the subjug