Noch Einmal [One More Time]

Henk Visch


Sculpture, 104 x 30 x 20.5 cm.
Materials: brass

Collection: Collection M HKA, Antwerp (Inv. no. BK5896).

“All things have a hard, a liquid or an airy face; only that which man makes also has a vulnerable heart.That’s why the art work too, independent of its presentation, is a thing; nothing else than a thing, that is made. And that’s why it’s a thing.” (Henk Visch)

This bronze sculpture from Henk Visch is a large human leg, but larger than human-scale. The surface is not entirely smooth: we can still see traces of the work process. The leg stands right out of the ground. Its leg’s calf is long and narrow, the knee fine and the upper-leg rather sturdy. Above, the leg is has been cut-off level. Whether it’s from a man or a woman can’t be determined. In the first place a leg makes us think of walking or running, of movement. But the leg here cannot really get into motion: for that, two legs are needed. Nonetheless, the illusion of movement is indeed there. We also see this effect recurring in other of Visch’s work. Often present as well, is this state of uncertain equilibrium. The viewer gets the impression that the freestanding leg would be easy to topple over, it’s foot not too solidly planted on the ground. Knowing what we do about this Dutch artist, the title won’t reveal much about the sculpture’s meaning. It’s up to the viewer to enter into the conversation.

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