Pas d'éclairs sans tonnerre
Book, 14 x 21 cm, 240 p, language : French, publisher : Éditions Zoé, Carouge-Genève, ISBN: 978-2-88927-379-9.
Materials: ink, paper
Collection: Collection M HKA, Antwerp (Inv. no. B 2030/173).
Literary synopsis
As a kid and later as a teenager living in the Canadian Prairies, Donald is a stubborn boy who wants to know where he comes from. Driven by some kind of archaeological instinct, he explores the surroundings, looking for prehistorical signs.
Relation of the novel to the artist’s practice
This novel is linked to a general interest in archaeology, represented in other artworks and exhibitions by the artist Jérémie Gindre, and specifically to an artist’s residency at Bibracte, European Center for Archaeology (France).
Authorship: Artist Author.
Creative Strategy: Artwork-Novel Parallel Lives.
Genre: Bildungsroman, Documentary Fiction, Plain Fiction.
Publishing: Publishing House.
Theme: Accidents, Archaeology, Customs, Film, Freedom, Friendship, Frustration, Geography, History, Identity, Landscape, Memory, Museography, Myth, Objects, Perception, Rituals, Weather.