Book, 17.8 x 11.4 cm, 52 p., language : English, publisher : Wakefield Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2015, ISBN : 978-1-939663-09-2.
Collection: Collection M HKA, Antwerp (Inv. no. B 2028/521).
Literary synopsis
This fierce fable of childbirth by German Surrealist Unica Zürn was written after she had already given birth to two children and undergone the self-induced abortion of another in Berlin in the 1950s. Beginning in the relatively straightforward, if disturbing, narrative of a young woman in a tower (with a bat in her hair and ravens for company) engaged in a psychic war with the parasitic son in her belly, The Trumpets of Jericho dissolves into a beautiful nightmare of hypnotic obsession and mythical language, stitched together with anagrams and private ruminations. Arguably Zürn's most extreme experiment in prose, this novella dramatizes the frontiers of the body—its defensive walls as well as its cavities and thresholds—animating a harrowing and painfully, twistedly honest depiction of motherhood as a breakdown in the distinction between self and other, transposed into the language of darkest fairy tales.
Authorship: Artist Author.
Creative Strategy: No Link to Artworks.
Genre: Surrealist.
Publishing: Publishing House.
Theme: Motherhood, Obsession.
> Unica Zürn.
> Ensemble: The Artist's Novel.