M HKA gaat digitaal

Met M HKA Ensembles zetten we onze eerste échte stappen in het digitale landschap. Ons doel is met behulp van nieuwe media de kunstwerken nog beter te kaderen dan we tot nu toe hebben kunnen doen.

We geven momenteel prioriteit aan smartphones en tablets, m.a.w. de in-museum-ervaring. Maar we zijn evenzeer hard aan het werk aan een veelzijdige desktop-versie. Tot het zover is vind je hier deze tussenversie.

M HKA goes digital

Embracing the possibilities of new media, M HKA is making a particular effort to share its knowledge and give art the framework it deserves.

We are currently focusing on the experience in the museum with this application for smartphones and tablets. In the future this will also lead to a versatile desktop version, which is now still in its construction phase.

Oost West, 1972-2015

Print, 200 x 100 cm.

Courtesy of Gallery Ronny Van de Velde

Collection: Collection M HKA, Antwerp / Collection Flemish Community (Inv. no. BK7842_M536).

The series of brightly colored silkscreen prints present images of news events from 1972, sourced from magazines and newspapers of the time.  The images are shown one atop the other, so entering into a mutual dialogue.  Vercammen takes on war, religion, the sexual revolution and the capitalist system.  The original works were made based on the notion that the future could only be brighter.  Unfortunately, some 43 years later it seems not to be the case, and that the confrontation has only grown stronger due to the unending stream of 'information'. 

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> Wout Vercammen.

Exhibitions & Ensembles

> Exhibition: Recent acquisitions. M HKA, Antwerp, 14 August 2015 - 31 January 2016.

> Exhibition: INBOX: Wout Vercammen – A well-considered idea of an exhibition in 3 parts. Aflevering 3: Postdadaïstisch en ander werk dat niet past in Aflevering 2 tot heden. M HKA, Antwerpen, 19 February 2015 - 15 March 2015.

> Exhibition: Urgent Conversations Athens - Antwerp. National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens (EMST), Athens, 31 October 2016 - 05 February 2017.

> Ensemble: Aanwinsten 2015 [Acquisitions 2015].

> Ensemble: Recalibrating the Public's Image.