Paul De Vree - Poesia Visiva – The Collection - A Suggestion
MUHKA, Antwerp
02 March 2002 - 12 May 2002
The ‘poesia visiva’ of poet-visual artist Paul De Vree (1909-1982, Antwerp) may be situated in the tradition of, among others, Mallarmé, Apollinaire, Marinetti, Van Ostaijen, Van Doesburg and Dadaism. He was part of the artistic and intellectual avant-garde of his time, and his work bears witness to great critical commitment to man and society. (programme Bart De Baere)
More and more his poetry was expressed in a visual way: the word was investigated for its visual qualities, to function virtually autonomously as an image. Various depictions of this are exhibited, as well as a number of recently produced blow-ups. The family gave the museum permission to produce these in his spirit, twenty years after his death. The new inkjet process was used for this purpose in order to make the difference obvious.