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Danny Matthys, Terras [Terrace], 1974. Photography, ink, paper, 6 x ( 51.5 x 41.7 cm ).
Danny Matthys, Vertikalen, begrenzing van een weiland [Verticals, Limits of a Meadow], 1974. Photography, ink, paper, 24 x 84 cm.
Daniël Dewaele, Tentoonstellen [To Exhibit], 1976. Photography, cardboard, photographs, 6 x (52 x 39 cm).
Daniël Dewaele, 24.800 m² sculpture [24.800 m² Sculpture], 1976. Intervention, ink, paper, 18 x (29.5 x 21 cm).
Vito Acconci, Tonight We Escape from New York, 1977. Collage, b/w photo, crayon, paper, plexi on black aluminium, 151 x 118 x 5 cm.
Buky Schwartz, Circle, 1978. Installation, 18 x (40 x 50 cm).
Buky Schwartz, Box #1, 1978. Collage, b/w photographs, hardboard, 14 x (50 x 14 cm).
Danny Matthys, Helicopter, 1978. Photography, ink, paper.
Dan Flavin, Untitled (to the real Dan Hill) 1b, 1978. Sculpture, neon, 244 x 12 x 22 cm.
Leo Copers, Gouden strop en stoel [Golden Noose and Chair], 1979. Sculpture, rope, velvet, gilding, 40 x 89 x 206 cm.
Bernd Lohaus, Raum (Nein, Nicht, Nur) [Space], 1979. Installation, brown tape, variable dimensions.
Jochen Gerz, It Was a Warm Summer Night, 1980. Collage, wood, ink, paper, b/w photo, 76 x 42 cm.
Philippe Van Snick, (0-9) Kleuren en Cijfercode [Colours and Numerical Code], 1983. Installation, pigment, multiplex, 10 x (100 x 120 cm).
Danny Matthys, Venezia y Cultura [Venice and Culture], 1984-1988. Installation, photographs, neon light, 225 x 22.5 x 7 cm.
Jef Geys, De gevallen verwittiging [The Fallen Warning], 1985. Installation, steel, pigment powder, 400 x 700 x 200 cm.
Philippe Van Snick, 10 dagen - 10 nachten, 1985. Poster, vinyl, canvas, cardboard, 20 x (24 x 18 cm).
Narcisse Tordoir, Zonder titel [Untitled], 1985. Painting, acryl, wood, gypsum, 40 x 40 x 12.5 cm.
Pieter Laurens Mol, Specific Impulse, 1985. Photography, ink, paper, 93 x 83.5 cm.
Bernd Lohaus, Installatie Paper Art, Dominikanerkerk, Maastricht [Installation Paper Art, Dominican Church, Maastricht], 1987. Installation, paper tape, variable dimensions.
Marek Chlanda, Via Condotti, 1987. Sculpture, wood, cardboard, wax, plaster, 36 x 340 x 32 cm.
Sigefride Bruna Hautman, Since I know, you cannot sit on a cloud, 1987. Sculpture, wood, plaster, leather, metal, 110 x 220 x 155 cm.
Wolfgang Laib, Blütenstaub von Haselnuss (Hazel Pollen), 1987. Installation, pollen, 220 x 240 cm.
Raoul De Keyser, Zonder titel [Untitled], 1988. Painting, oil on canvas, 6 x (21 x 32.5 cm).
Philippe Van Snick, Produktiestaat [Production State], 1988. Installation, plaster board, wood cubes, variable dimensions.
Daniel Buren, Cabane Eclatée: Une enveloppe peut en cacher une autre [‘Exploded Cabin: One Envelope Can Hide Another’], travail situé (réalisé au Musée Rath, Genève), 1989. Installation, wood, canvas, 266.5 x 370 x 370 cm.
Martin Kippenberger, Neighbourhood's Nap (Tauben haben noch keinen Krieg verhindert), 1990. Installation, wood, plaster board, plastic, cassette player, 71.5 x 71.5 x 20 cm.
Fred Bervoets, Nevada, 1991. Other, ink, paper, canvas, 300 x 1500 cm .
Raoul De Keyser, Maaigem en Kabinet [Maaigem and Cabinet], 1991. Painting, oil paint, cardboard, gesso, 56 x 55 cm.