Occasional Paper, or other medium, by Jef Lambrecht - grown out of the LdL / Orgaan tradition, it functions as information channel as well as poetic comment - seemingly edited by Gina Lire, ministry of beuaty and/or presidency...
Jef Lambrecht, O.I. Jaunes de Van Gogh. Poster, paper, ink (printing), A3/ 42x30 cm.
Koen van den Broek, Jef Lambrecht, Overschot Koen & Jef, 2007. Drawing, paper, pencil, 17 x 20.
Jef Lambrecht, LdL Zending Mongolië . Mail Art, paper, ink (printing) pen, A3, var A6.
Jef Lambrecht, Original Imaginaire 34 Masterpeices - van Gogh, 1990. Poster, paper, ink (printing), A3/ 42x30 cm.