Jef Lambrecht, Lavage de Drapeau (invite), 1989. Print, paper, ink (printing), 10 x 15 cm.
Hugo Roelandt, George Smits, Baudouin Oosterlynck, Jacques Charlier, Jacques Lizène, Dominique Grégoire , Jef Lambrecht, Invite Id'A Screen Machine, 1986. Miscellaneum, paper, ink (printing), ca. 10 x 10 cm.
Karel Schoetens, Jef Lambrecht, Knipsel Nieuwjaarshappening museum, 1983. Article, paper, ink (printing), ca 20 x 30 cm.
Jef Lambrecht, Cubo-Heraldico-Suprematist. Drawing, paint, cardboard, 150 x 100 cm.
action in the Rubenshouse museum in 1985
Poster for one of the activities surrounding the declaration of dependence of Belgium to Zaire in 1989
Novum Belgium / Nova Belgica Established under the name Belgian Institute for World Affairs on the first of April 1982, Reorganizatio