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Tima Radya, If Only I Could Embrace You, But I'm Just a Text, 2013. Installation, mixed media.
Ian Ginsburg, Total Exposition, 2015. Installation, mixed media.
North-7, The Seventh Part of the World, 2016. Installation, mixed media.
Tima Radya, Brighter Than Us, 2016. Installation, mixed media.
North-7, Flying Bar, 2017. Installation, total installation, plastic theatre.
Irina Korina, Good Intentions, 2017. Installation, mixed media.
Irina Korina, The Tail Wags the Comet, 2017. Installation, mixed media.
North-7, The School of Active Drawing and Performative Posing, 2018. Performance, performance, documentation, sculpture, live sculpture, graphic objects.
Tima Radya, Good Decorations / Bad Spectacle, 2018. Installation, mixed media.
Ian Ginsburg, Genius’ Room. Aphorisms of Joseph Ginsburg, 2018. Installation, mixed media.
Ian Ginsburg, The Mechanical Beetle , 2018. Installation, mixed media.
Irina Korina, Yesterday's Snow/Schnee von gestern, 2018. Installation, mixed media.